Tuesday, March 8, 2005

You'll get what you ask for

But not when you wish.

You see, when you wish for something; it's basically a longing or desire. It's internal. Asking, on the other hand, is verbalized: a demand or request made known to other people. I found that out recently.

Remember the Ericsson mobile phone I gifted hubby for
Xmas? I wished he couldn't wait to discard his old mobile and use the new one. You see, wishing didn't work. As of today, hubby still hasn't baptised it yet and it's already March! The poor baby (the *mobile phone*, not hubby) is still sitting in its original packaging box. Waiting, wishing and hoping...

Now, just last night hubby decidedly told me that he would want to use the new mobile as his current one is acting up. He's asked me to make*1 a pouch for it - it's a camera phone and he wants the pouch for protection. And so I did.

Knitted him one. Here it is:

I used the same pattern front and back.

And here's a closeup of the tag. It's sewn in after I've done the seam so it's not exactly that good looking. His first *branded* item from me.

He is happy (to get a pouch to go with the phone).
I am happy (he's gonna spend time weekend with me to learn the new mobile navigation as Ericsson's is markedly different from Nokia's; which he's so used to).

Lesson learnt. I will open my mouth and ask when I want things to materialize from now on.

Some blog comments
mona said…
My colleague just bought a Pentax Optio s50 and it works like a dream. I think I might be buying one soon too.I have a car sticker that says " you kia su but I kia si" . I think you understand :)Mona

That phrase literally translated means: "You are afraid to lose (hate losing) but I am scared of dying."

alison said…
Saffron looks lovely! Neat technique for sewing in the sleeves. I'll have to try it sometime!

Alison, those knee hugger sessions works much better for me than flat on the table seaming. Perhaps it's a left-handedness eccentricity?

*1. In hubby's terms, make is whatever the method I choose to use - buy, sew, crochet; you get the idea.


Anonymous said...

Where do you order the tag? I've enquired here in Hong Kong and the minimum order is 1,000 dozen.


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.