Funnily, men just don't remember to inform you early. They just prefer a month's notice and when asked, the reason simply is, "I forgot."
GT suggested that I could go with the usual suspects - small pair of booties or socks. There was a pair that I knitted and gifted previously to another colleague of his back in 2007. (Gosh, that sounds so long ago!)

Obviously meant for a baby girl, with the cute pink flowers on the cuff.
But I am just not in the mood for socks.
So to bring up the challenge factor, I decided that a cardigan would be "IT". And while at that, I figured that using yarns from my stash would be good.
After all, detashing is good. This helps alleviate the hoarding madness.

As you can tell, it's meant for a little boy.
I have opted for a whole piece rather than the standard 3 piece (one back and 2 front pieces) approach as I wanted it to be portable. Besides, who wants to do more sewing?
Rather than to go variegated all the way, I have used a solid white yarn for garter rows to break up the colors. Besides, it's always a relief to the mind since the scheduled section breaks make me feel that my project is growing.

It's progressing at a good rate!
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