Most of the delay was a result of my getting distracted by other projects I have on hand (which I will blog about another day to keep focused on this entry). The distraction issue must be a common dilemma faced by other crafters -- I heard it's called "startitis".
Besides, the recent influx of new customers signing up for our knitting and crochet classes has been keeping me really busy, in a good way. These just leaves me with less time for my own projects. Oh, and my biggest gripe for those crocheted hexagons?

Motif crochet just creates lots of tail ends! I have tucked in those ends as I switched colors with the different rounds. However, those can get a little unwieldy at times. In fact, I have also joined the seams as I worked the last round of each motif so that I can eliminate join sewing.
As the project grew bigger, it became bulkier and was no longer fitting my tote. And so it ended up being the stay-at-home resident project.

I have to say I really love the colors though; it's so bright and cheerful. This project is taking shape and I am really excited.
In fact, the recent flurry of crochet projects by our customers is enough to get my younger sister, the cross stitch expert to pick up her crochet hook again. We both picked up crochet in our early teens from our mom but my sister decided to divert her interest to cross-stitch while I took to knitting and crochet.

Well, she showed me her WIP and asked me to critique her work. Well....the tension was a tad too tight -- wrong hook size. And acrylic yarn she bought from elsewhere -- not that I have any issues with that.
She could have simply come over and raid my yarn stash! With that invitation, she certainly did!

She selected this variegated yarn and I taught her a simple mesh pattern that will help lend some visual interest.

I certainly don't have to worry as she took to the new instructions readily. With a change of crochet hook and the new yarn, her tension was way better and the project is growing quickly as she committed the pattern to memory.
I am hoping she'll be interested enough to keep on crocheting!
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