It was quite interesting to note that there are a fair number of knitting-related bloggers that started in 2005 and still upkept their blogs till now. I am surprised to find myself on her list although the year of 2008 has been pretty quiet for me on the blogging front.
She also has a couple of questions to which I would post my responses here.
1. Would you keep your same hosting site?
Yes. I have been pretty happy with blogger. The only thing I would change is to do a facelift for my blog -- the current look is a tad too dated and years of clutter is definitely getting apparent on the sidebars.
2. Would you post more or less often?
Once I get the blogging momentum going, it should be fine although I am catching on the twitter wave -- you can follow me here. The texting on the go via blackberry makes it easier.
3. What has been your biggest reward?
It would have to be getting to meet more like-minded cyberfriends who I finally get to meet in person from all around the world!
4. How about your biggest frustration? People have the misconception that blogging is a very easy thing to do.
In reality, blogging means you need possess:
- willingness to tink with programming code,
- an aesthetic eye for layout and details,
- love for photography & editing [I admit, I am a crap photographer so the editing portion takes me a lot of time.]
- creative writing although I am not anyway close to being a decent writer
What that means if you do see any breaking photo links, do give me a holler!
5. If you were starting a blog today, what would you do differently?
I would pre-plan the layout that is easy to maintain and pleasing to the eye. And perhaps master more advanced photography skills.
I just want to say thanks to you gals out there who has been following my blog all this time! Time really flies!

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