Monday, March 16, 2009

Getting waylaid in posting

Keeping a blog active is akin to keeping a diary, I reckon. There are those who are religiously diligent, making diary writing a daily routine. My hubby, G is one such person. No matter how tired he is, the last task he does before going to bed is to write in his diary about his day's encounters, work activities and moods etc.

If he happens to be away overseas, he would not necessarily tote his diary (he's still very much a pen and paper man) so he will just jot down his entry on some blank papers and staple it to his actual diary when he returns.

He feels that is the time where he is allowed to reflect and review. [Not to mention that the act also helps him train up a great memory. I'm always the forgetful person.]

That's discipline. That's what I need. A post a year just doesn't cut it.

But while I am slack and way behind on my blog entries, my knitting and crochet are activities that I can't seem to leave without.

In fact, there is always at least a knitting or crochet WIP in my tote whenever I head out. To the extent that G often has to remind me that we are just going downstairs to grab a bite - a WIP bag is a little too excessive; it seems to him.

If the photo below is any indication, I am hoping my life is going to be untangled soon enough.

untangle yarn mess

Too much things, too little time!



Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.