Friday, September 28, 2007

While it's still hot out there

I'll still be rather working on sleeveless projects. Somehow the idea of creating sleeves aren't as appealing. Maybe it's the idea of repetitively knitting 2 identical items (or like other sock-phobic beings, the SSS - second sock syndrome) that makes me want to sit in a corner and weep?

Ok, so that last act would be distinctively diva-like so I won't thread in that direction. Instead, I would just most likely punish the project by hiding it at the bottom of the pile so that it would only see the light of the day the following year.

Lace is a really pet favorite. As witnessed by my recent projects...

hand knit lace leave pattern

With something like 60 odd stitches a side, one can't really complain about the length of time it needs to get the project growing. And grew it did!

hand knit sexy lace halter

In just barely a week, it's almost done. The project goes wherever I go. Including the sit-ins at our favorite McDonald's outlet in the vicinity where join me at times on occasional Friday nights. We gather after 10pm and sometimes stay up to the wee hours with doses of fries, coffee etc.

It's one of those rare pieces that gets me going so zealously that it gets completed in such a short time. Usually, the completion time is twice that.

Here are the usual photos:

fitted stylish hand knit halter top

low cut back slim tie back

I have reworked the sides several times so that I can get the top edge mould against my back properly. So there's
no elastic band threading at all!

This orangey-red is really quite hard to photograph but I have to say I love this new shade. I have washed and worn it a couple of times now and the garment is still holding up its shape very well.

model halter neck

This is a really awkward pose as I was trying to take a self-portrait. It's really party wear. On days when I wear it out, I do put on a mini bolero so that it's not so attention drawing. I know this piece may not go down well with the conservatives but this is a style that I am very comfortable with in our Singapore weather.

The best part? It just took me only 3x 50grams balls to get it completed. (Happy dance...)

Oh, and remember the mini shrug (or shrugette) that I did for my baby niece? I finally managed to put it on her.

She really has a strong mind about the clothes she will wear. Obviously in the sweltering heat outdoors, she's just totally resistant of any layering.

hand knit mini toddler ruffles shrug

It was a different story when we went to the supermarket though. The temperatures inside is just freezing so she allowed me to don the shrug on her. I really love how the color really brightens up her face!

The shrug looks really fitted on her so I would have to knit up another piece soon!


Zia on Tue Oct 02, 12:08:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Very nice halter top and very cute shrug! :)


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.