Thursday, April 12, 2007

When charcoal meets yarn

I participated in an Art Exchange recently. It was a project where artists from various fields are matched up, much like swap partners where we create an item for each other. So I knitted...

hand knitted shawl

A shawl. It's a great cover up for those chilly evenings or when one is in an indoor air-conditioned space. This piece is for my Art Exchange partner/artist -- Tang Ling Nah, an acclaimed artist in Singapore.

I reckoned that the simple shade of blue would go well with Ling Nah's wardrobe. I gifted it to her in Mar. In return, she also presented me with a lovely charcoal drawing that she framed too.

Tang Ling Nah Singapore artist in charcoal

Entitled "Admirality Link" -- it's the vicinity where Ling Nah sets up her studio.

It's just so cool. Participating in this project allowed me to meet and exchange some thoughts with an artist that I otherwise might not have a chance to.

Perhaps we should get around to organizing such exchanges more often?


Linda on Sat Apr 14, 10:23:00 AM GMT+8 said...

Wow!...both the shawl and drawing are beautiful :-)


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.