Monday, June 12, 2006

Self-imposed hiatus; thanks for not forgetting me!

And I am back!

In case any of you is wondering, I've been so thoroughly discouraged by the lack of progress on hubby's sweater that I decided to take a break and focus on other things. Mainly on
welcoming new students, and learning to cook (gasp!)

Everyone knows how to cook but cooking well is another thing. So I've kept myself busy in the kitchen for a bit.

Thanks for everyone who checked in on me...I just didn't realized that I have been away for that long until I looked at the last blog post date!

There were some great packages that arrived during this time that I absolutely *had* to share!

A great Tea Swap Package!

Here's the great package from Becky, my swap partner! She has enclosed an enormous amounts of tea of various flavours -- let's see: we've got Cocoa Spice, Mango, a whole lot of Peet's tea, samples from Evolution that includes Honeybush Caramel, a great Tazo variety (I bet she sent me the entire range!) and some licorice spice herbal tea! Not only that, there's a lovely tea cup & tea pot ornament set!

Did I forget to mention the lovely chocolate toffee almond biscotti? My hubby has been eyeing those enviously but he's definitely not getting those!

There's also some lovely yarns (all 5 of them!) for me to knit myself a summery top!

Thanks Becky! This is definitely awesome!

And if it wasn't enough, the Dye-O-Rama package came in too!

From the gorgeous Emily aka Ms Martini!

The entire package is so sweet-smelling -- must be due to the Koolaid she used for dyeing!

Emily not only enclosed her own handdyed skein of yarn; but also included more goodies such as Debbie Bliss' Pure Silk in a lovely turquoise, a ball of Opal Cotton (noticing my love for sock yarn and so a cotton option for our weather!) and an all organic Bittersweet dark chocolate with orange & spices (how does she know I love orange chocolate too?!). To top it all of, chewy fruit gums!

I've been really careful to reseal the envelope; removing just the perishables (like the chewy gum and chocolate) so that the yarns can continue to bask in the faint sweet scent.

Emily, I love them all!

To top it off, I've been so generously gifted by Tam of Purl Once, Knit Forever when I took part in a quiz!

A ball of Fortissima Colori Sock Yarn! I can now envision a lot more socks in my wardrobe! Thanks Tam!

You gals rock! Those are great pick-me-ups and have definitely motivated me to get back to my knitting!

Next up: the projects I am working on...


Emily on Mon Jun 12, 09:18:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Oh good, I was so worried it was lost!

I did rinse and rinse, but just couldn't get the koolaid smell out... Hope you like the colours, and the chocolate didn't melt,


Ruth on Tue Jun 13, 02:01:00 AM GMT+8 said...

glad to see you're back! yea, i was wondering about you since last i heard you were so discouraged with hubby's vest/sweater. and you got some pretty sweet gifts there - lucky you =)

Ling on Tue Jun 13, 05:37:00 AM GMT+8 said...

Hi Emy
Welcome back. I was wondering what happened. OMG, what lovely gifts you've got there. The Kool Aid smell really doesn't go away. So just enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear from you again, Emy! Lovely swap pressies, hmmm.....

Mimi on Tue Jun 13, 10:15:00 AM GMT+8 said...

Great to have you back! Oh so many nice things there. Nice way to return to your knitting! ;)


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.