Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The drought is almost over!

It's been more than a month since I last had a Finished Object. And the recent setbacks: additional pattern enhancement request + running out of same dyelots + an all-record low motivation has made progresses way slower. Besides, I can't really say I didn't enjoy all that time I spent planning on the students' projects -- they are all very interesting pieces!

However, I am happy to announce that the drought is finally coming to an end. Thanks to the gals pushing me on, 2 projects are now finished! (well, almost.)

I just finished off the last of hubby's vest-turned-sweater yesterday. At the same time, I almost managed to get that lovely summer tank all pieced together! [See the scale of hubby's sweater against mine?]

In fact, the summer tank would have been finished much faster-- I had to pace myself a little so that I could direct my attention on hubby's sweater.

The only areas left outstanding are the finishing touches: weaving & tucking the ends; neatening the armholes etc. If all goes according to plan, then there'll be FO photos by the end of the week.

What a better way to celebrate than to have a wholesome home-prepared chicken salad? No mayo please. I really prefer balsamic vinegar and found this great salad recipe. This is a feat for me; considering that I am largely known to be a carnivore (aka meat eater) to most of my friends.

But this is really Yummy!

PS. Thanks for your comments, gals! I figured that I had to put that red project aside for me to have a better think of how I'll approach it.


Catherine Kerth on Wed Jun 28, 03:14:00 AM GMT+8 said...

love the color in that! mmmm, delicious food!

KnittenKnots on Wed Jun 28, 09:10:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Wow! 2 FOs at once - can't wait for the final pics! :-)

opportunityknits on Thu Jun 29, 06:51:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Your slad looks yummy, I love salads with olive oil and garlic!

Anonymous said...

The vest turned sweater is looking divine Emy!!

That chicken salad looks so good I'm off to eat!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to seeing those fos!


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