Monday, November 14, 2005


Thanks for all the birthday wishes. :)

Hubby still can't believe the *number* of knitty friends I have online who'll bother to send greetings and well wishes my way or never fail to prod me on or cheer me up. More so since I've been intermittent with my blogging lately...he's like, "you mean they still come back and check your blog regularly?" I don't know what to make of that statement but I'll take it that he's *positively* jealous. (hehe)

I wished I have asked for better memory though. In a bid to shuttle to my mom's house earlier on, I have conveniently forgot all about the USB cable for the camera connection. Right, got camera, no connection [sigh].

Again, I shall ask for your forgiveness as this post will still be photoless -- I'll put a memo in my Palm with an alarm to remind myself to stick a Post-It note on my bag to pack that cable along with my camera. Now, if I will just also write and pin on the board next to the door that I'm to remember to bring along the bag which these items are in. Grrr....

To think that I was happily snapping photos for the past few days!


NAT on Wed Nov 23, 05:38:00 PM GMT+8 said...

hi wish you better memory then. but i think you have very good memory already to remember all your students :)

NAT on Wed Nov 23, 05:42:00 PM GMT+8 said...

good luck


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.