Sunday, April 3, 2005

Ms Turner revealed

Here she is. She's a scarf for a friend. Pattern to be found here.

At about 90% completion - I wished I could have been a little faster so that I can snuck a 4 FO lead in the month of Mar but I just fizzled. It went downhill from there. I am taking things a little slow for the past 2 days. With any luck, it'll be FOed tomorrow!

The verdict is out!
Ms Royal turned out great. I've worn her out today. Verdict: accepted in our weather so long as it's not 30 degrees Celsius or more. She doesn't heat me up unnecessarily and is a great yarn project to be worn in air conditioning places.

It was raining when we went out to our favorite hunt Ikea - which happens to be Alison's kids' favorite place too! But no, I didn't pursue the thought of knitting in the cafe, as it's just too d*mned crowded.

Renovation works commence tomorrow *finally*.


opportunityknits on Tue Apr 05, 10:21:00 AM GMT+8 said...

The scarf looks so tempting in the one colour yarn you are using - shows off the pattern. Glad the "royal sweater" wears well. Have fun with your renovation!


Webrings I am on

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