Wednesday, March 16, 2005


I attended 2 weddings - one 2 weeks ago; one just this past weekend.

Both are very casual and deviant from typical Singaporean styled-weddings. By that, I mean there is no walk-up-the isle in churches, nor traditional wedding dinner banquets in the hotels.

One opted for a casual home affair. They held a lunch buffet at their place. The other, was on a cruise. Just before you go "wow", it was a cruise to *nowhere*. (We had to spend 3 hours onboard; that's a good way of preventing your guests from slipping off early!)

Here's a photo I took.

If you are wondering what the guys are doing, it's the "yum seng" (or toast) from the groom's male colleagues, intent on making him drink a glass or 2 of beer.

And because we boarded at the World Trade Center (seems like there is one in every country), here's a view of the cable cars at dusk.

Lovely but not quite - some people suffered from sea sickness! I just had to refrain from overeating.

On knitting...
1. Scarves

Thanks for the votes, ladies. I, too decided that I don't like the left version as it results in undesirable pooling. Yet, I am skeptical that the right version will continue its color scheme once I add a new ball. The irony of using variegated yarn...! We want randomness but not too much right?

So I have ripped out the scarves! I decided the colors wouldn't go too well with the recipient so they are being balled up and will be gifted to another friend instead.

I hope she likes them.

2. Ms Royal
Still on Ms Royal - on the 2nd sleeve now.
Hoping to get her done finally so it can go to the Meetup with me this Saturday.
Ms Saffron is being invited too.


wendy g on Wed Mar 16, 08:21:00 AM GMT+8 said...

The weddings look like fun and that sunset is beautiful.

Laura.Y on Wed Mar 16, 10:11:00 AM GMT+8 said...

Wedding looks lovely. Nowadays, the trend is moving towards unconventional for us asians huh? It would have been a big no no in the past. How things have change. Quite amazing :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, the sunset is s beautiful! Makes me homesick...


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.