Thursday, October 28, 2004

Stranding / fair isle but NOT intarsia!

That's right, I was reading other blogs and figured my major BOO BOO. What I have working on should be called fair isle (no more than 2 colors per row) or stranding rather than intarsia which is supposed to be blocks of colours.
Ok, so it's intarsia stranding. Me will learn the next time.

This is me, the day before and yesterday.

Been to the doc's and is diagnosed to be down with sinus flu. Not too nice, is it?
So I was on MC* yesterday. Today back at work but feeling wonky. Dr gave me flu medicine that is supposed to get me drowsy and sleepy but at work, hey? Luckily today turned out to be an easy day. Tomorrow I will have to tackle a client meeting.

Anyway, for the WIP, I have managed to go make the front and back in circular. Just needed o-ring markers to mark out each side. I am still at the intarsia stranding portion but by this weekend, I should be able to start on the cables*. Meaning that I have to fiddle with the cables to achieve the mirrored effect as per my sleeves!

It's coming out nicely (apart from the usual frog pond trip)...I really just need to be more diligent and meticulous in whatever I do, don't I? Will show pictures tomorrow.

Did I also say I went to Spotlight? Yeah, it's a handicraft store and there was a 15% off everything for members on Wednesday. (Hey, hey, I didn't plan to fall sick and be on medical leave on the very same day!) Anyway, I bought some yarn for the bear along, as well as more toy knitting magazines. I am nuts so sue me!

*MC stands for medical certificate but seriously in Singapore, when anyone goes sick, they will say that they are on MC, not medical leave. Beats me!



Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.