30 mins.
That's how much time it takes to knit each of these patchwork pieces in the photos. And that's the speed now that I have gained momentum.

This project came about as a temporary distraction from all the garment projects I have been working on. I am hesitant to call this project a "blanket" or "sofa throw" as it may stop growing pre-maturely -- that's why it's taken me about 2 weeks to muster courage to bring this out into the open.
I am not sure if this project can withstand the mockery of being called a "scarf" or a "what-ever-this-thing-is" if its growth is stunted. It may die of shame and crawl under my ever-increasing pile of UFOs and bawl.
So I'll just refer to it as the *garter thing*. [A flash moment: I have never quite had a garter project before, not that I can recall.]
In an effort to reduce possible project ditching, I have also decided to knit and join the knit pieces as I move along to eliminate seaming. The hexagons initially took much more time as the decreases are done every 3rd row -- I have to be vigilant when it comes to counting the rows.
The gals have already ruffled my feathers, saying that I wouldn't be able to get this going to a reasonable stage. So in blind denial, I have so far been tote-ing this thing wherever I go, stealing moments to work on it. That means, even when I travelling overseas... and the project is actually getting wider and becoming a mini lap-ghan of sorts, keeping my legs warm on flights.
However, the thought of possibly having multiple skinny scarves as gifting presents is still proving to be very alluring. (Hey, one's got to think of how to minimize all possibilities of relegating a project to UFO status right?)
The gals have already ruffled my feathers, saying that I wouldn't be able to get this going to a reasonable stage. So in blind denial, I have so far been tote-ing this thing wherever I go, stealing moments to work on it. That means, even when I travelling overseas... and the project is actually getting wider and becoming a mini lap-ghan of sorts, keeping my legs warm on flights.

But I digress.
And without being deliberate, I just noticed that the colors I have used for this project is very much complementary to the crocheted cushions in my living room. At this point though, I am wondering if by the time I am finished with this *garter thing* that I should consider re-doing the cushions!

Pardon the inconsistent photo sig -- these crocheted cushions are completed back in 2005! (That sounds like an awfully long time!)
Hi Emy... thanks so much for your comment! I don't get very many these days because I'm always too busy to blog, but when I get a comment - it's like Christmas! haha...
Hey, I like your 'garter thing'!!
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