Thursday, September 14, 2006

Up and running

Now that the engines are back on, I am picking up all the various WIP pieces and working feverishly on them.

First hubby's vest-turned-sweater. It was finally completed and was put through a laundry cycle.

Yes, and that model is part of the display for the 23 Sep event! Hubby has worn it once but I didn't manage to get a decent photo of the sweater! [I never realized how expensive male mannequins are; compared to their female counterparts!]

Other than that, the red lace top is finally getting more of my attention. I'm onto the second piece.

In fact, I finished the front piece and have decided to seam both the front & back pieces together to see how they drape.

Right now, I am getting the sleeves started. Yeah, I know it's so unlikely me, but I decided that a short-sleeved blouse would be a nice addition to my wardrobe. Besides, I love the red!

Will this garment be ready in time for the Sep 23 event? I certainly hope it will be.

Time to raid the WIP basket!


Mimi on Fri Sep 15, 11:45:00 AM GMT+8 said...

I love your Vittadini top and the red one is looking great as well.


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.