Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Bit by bit

Clapotis is coming along slowly. I'm up to 8 repeat on the straight and have used 3 balls. So if I were to follow the pattern accordingly, I could end up using only 5 balls. Let's see if it's long enough after I have added the fourth since that'll signify my arrival at the end line of the straight rows.

For the record, I am happy to report that the words of Celia, Peggy and Siow Chin are so true. The pooling in fact is much less noticeable with the dropped stitches. So glad that I didn't make that frog pond trip.

And for those who are interested in this:

I've finally gotten around to writing out the scarf pattern. and it's now posted here. I've also decided to name it Zigzaging Shanghai - if you want to know why, read that post.

And bit by bit, my stash and WIPs are revealing themselves to me. I never recalled having so many WIPs! I'll try and take an inventory one of these days and perhaps set up a schedule to finish them, for what's worth.


opportunityknits on Wed Aug 03, 11:56:00 AM GMT+8 said...

love the colours on your Clapotis. I'm thinking of knitting another one.


Webrings I am on

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