Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Mystery guest in town!

Yup. Mystery guest came into Singapore and left here U$200 poorer but definitely happier. Talk about being a partner in crime...I was US$150 down. [No and you are *not gonna* see my yarn purchases nor will you hear about the pattern book that I just put an order for!] :P
Lily Chin - the fastest crocheter in the world! the crochet department, I can't even knit without my eyes leaving the piece for a minute, unlike knitting.

It was really gracious of her to agree to do a 14hr stopover in Singapore for a zippy stash acquisition trip! To plainly identify herself, she's even gone all out to carry a ball of yarn when leaving the arrival gates. (She's all casually dressed.) She has brought me some gifts and more importantly, I finally got to see her in person. (We missed each other the last time she went to Shanghai as I couldn't get time off work to travel from Beijing.)

It was a trip to Chinatown for dimsum lunch, followed by yarn shopping. After that, we went onto Kinokuniya for more magazine shopping.

She has also generously shared some tips and tricks such as the 2 circular needle knitting (which I never really got my head around until I saw her demonstrating it) and designing knitwear etc.

Well, Lily...let's hope we'll get to meet again!


Toni on Thu Dec 02, 08:08:00 AM GMT+8 said...

It's so cool you were able to get tips (and meet) Lily Chin. I just saw her on the Knitty Gritty tv show and was impressed with her demonstration skills. Lucky you!

Anonymous said...

wow, really cool!

Chrissie on Fri Dec 03, 01:26:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Hi Emilyn,

Oh wow, you should have told us and we could all meet her ...:>

Anonymous said...

Oh, lucky you ... ...

Siow Chin

eyeleen on Mon Dec 13, 12:52:00 PM GMT+8 said...

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

I am the Holly from the US who's son brought you knitting books. I am so glad you got to meet Lily! Did you have her resign the Beaded Knit book? Alas my trip to China to see my son in August left no time for yarn shopping. He finally arrived home yesterday and announced he wants to attend the graduate program run by Johns Hopkins in Nanjing so I may be making more trips to Asia in the next year or so.


Webrings I am on

Vintagefusion Knits and Crochets Copyright © 2011 Photos and written content all by Emy unless otherwise indicated.